Improved Final Evaluation

Unit 7 Animated Gif – Final Evaluation

At the start of unit 7 I did my preparation for creating my made-up creature. I took lots of pictures of random textures around the room. I also took pictures to get some outlines for creature ideas. The final creature design that I chose was from a picture that I took of some blue tack on the wall. Overall, I had about ten ideas from taking pictures. Other ways that I used for getting the outlines for the creatures were drawing loads of random lines on a bit of paper and then getting a shape from within the lines. I had got a couple of shapes from this way but I did not end up using any of them for my final creature design as I did not think that they were good enough. The other way that I used to get shapes was crunching up a piece of paper and then using the lines from that to get the outline of some sort of creature. This worked well and one of the creatures I created from this was one of my favourite. In the end I did not use this creature because I liked one of the one that I had created from the pictures.

After all of this I went on to creating some textures for the creature’s body and head. I tried many different textures such as using coloured pencils, paint, sting and wallpaper. A lot of these turned out well but others did not. One of the textures that did not turn out well for me was using blue paint and water.  I put too much water with the paint and the end result was not good. One of the textures that I liked the most was when I mixed red paint with water and this looked really good in my opinion. Another texture that I really liked was when I mixed red, yellow and orange coloured pencils. This looked really good and I used it in my final creature design for the eyes. I think that it really makes the eye stand out from other parts of the creature.

After this I started to put together my creature and how it would look. I tried different textures with others and found out which ones worked well with each other. In the end the textures that I went for were the red paint mixed with the water and the red, yellow and orange coloured pencils. I used the red paint and water for the main body of the creature and for the eye I used the coloured pencils.

Throughout my work I critically analysed my work and picked out the strengths and the weaknesses of the work that I had done. Also, I analysed how I created something so that I could go back through my work and find out how I created something such as a texture.

To help me create the gif I made a flip book and a story board. The flip book helped me to figure out how many frames I would need for my final gif. I found It a little hard to draw my flip book as I had never done one before but half way through I started to get the hang of it. For my gif I decided to make my creature do tricks on a trampoline. The trick that my creature does is a front flip and then do a few more jumps. This plays over and over again.

In conclusion I am pleased with my final Gif, I think that the movement is good and I think that the overall flow of the Gif is good. I think that I could have improved my Gif by changing the background to something brighter that stands out to the eye and grabs people’s attention.

Textures to create creatures from.

I got these textures at the beginning of the unit. I got them so that I could try to make creatures from them them for my Gif. I ended up getting a few different creature outlines from these textures. The creature that i used in my final Gif came from the blue tack on the door in the first picture. Out of all the shapes that I got for the creatures, the one I got from the blue tack was the one that I liked the most. I found other shapes for creatures but I was not that happy with the ones that I got from these pictures. Most of the good creatures that I came up with came from other techniques such as crunching up paper and drawing around the crease lines.

Final Evaluation

Unit 7 Animated Gif – Final Evaluation

At the start of unit 7 I did my preparation for creating my made-up creature. I took lots of pictures of random textures around the room. I also took pictures to get some outlines for creature ideas. The final creature design that I chose was from a picture that I took of some blue tack on the wall. Overall, I had about ten ideas from taking pictures. Other ways that I used for getting the outlines for the creatures were drawing loads of random lines on a bit of paper and then getting a shape from within the lines. I had got a couple of shapes from this way but I did not end up using any of them for my final creature design as I did not think that they were good enough. The other way that I used to get shapes was crunching up a piece of paper and then using the lines from that to get the outline of some sort of creature. This worked well and one of the creatures I created from this was one of my favourite. In the end I did not use this creature because I liked one of the one that I had created from the pictures.

After all of this I went on to creating some textures for the creature’s body and head. I tried many different textures such as using coloured pencils, paint, sting and wallpaper. A lot of these turned out well but others did not. One of the textures that did not turn out well for me was using blue paint and water.  I put too much water with the paint and the end result was not good. One of the textures that I liked the most was when I mixed red paint with water and this looked really good in my opinion. Another texture that I really liked was when I mixed red, yellow and orange coloured pencils. This looked really good and I used it in my final creature design for the eyes. I think that it really makes the eye stand out from other parts of the creature.

After this I started to put together my creature and how it would look. I tried different textures with others and found out which ones worked well with each other. In the end the textures that I went for were the red paint mixed with the water and the red, yellow and orange coloured pencils. I used the red paint and water for the main body of the creature and for the eye I used the coloured pencils.

Throughout my work I critically analysed my work and picked out the strengths and the weaknesses of the work that I had done. Also, I analysed how I created something so that I could go back through my work and find out how I created something such as a texture.

To help me create the gif I made a flip book and a story board. The flip book helped me to figure out how many frames I would need for my final gif. I found It a little hard to draw my flip book as I had never done one before but half way through I started to get the hang of it. For my gif I decided to make my creature do tricks on a trampoline. The trick that my creature does is a front flip and then do a few more jumps. This plays over and over again.

Finished Gif


This is my finished Gif. I am happy with my final design for this. I think that the flow of the Gif is good. One thing I think I can improve on is the movement of the creature. I could make the leg bend when he lands and I could have made the trunk move around a bit when he does the flip.

First Gif


I am happy with the way that this gif has turned out. I like the gradient that i have for the sky, I think that it gives a good effect and gives the effect that it is turning night time. I think that the trampoline works really well when it bends.

Final Monster Design


This is the final design for my made up creature. I think that it has turned out really good and the textures work well together. On the gif the only thing that is different is that it doesn’t have the tuft of hair on top.



These are the trampolines that I used in my gif. I created both of these in Illustrator and then copied them into Photoshop. For the metal texture of the trampoline legs i just got a image off of Google and did a clipping mask in Illustrator. In the gif I just alternated between the two of them. For example, when he lands on the trampoline I would use the curved line and then when he is in the air I just used the flat line. This worked well and it had a smooth motion.

Made Up Creature


This the creature that I have come up with. I got the shape of it from blue tac on the wall of my classroom. Overall I am happy with the shape of the animal and I think that it works well for the gif that I have created. The animation for the creature will be it jumping on a trampoline and doing a front flip. This is repeatd over and over again. On the final design with the textures implemented I have take off the tuft of hair because I wasn’t happy with it.

Body Texture


This is the texture that I have used for the body of my made up creature. I copied a few of these and put them next to each other so that it would fill the whole body of the creature. I think that when these are put next to each other they kind of look like fathers. I think this texture works really well for the creature and I also think that it goes well with the texture for the eye.

Eye Texture


This is the texture I have used for the eye on my made up creature. I got this effect by using coloured pencils. The colours that i used were red, yellow and orange. I like this texture because it is bright and stands out. I think that this goes well with the texture that I have used for the body of the creature.